
The Top 4 Ways Pitchers Become Disconnected


Throwing at a superior level is about being “connected”. When a delivery is connected all the body parts are acting in timing and synergy with one another. Every part is playing its proper role and performing in concert with all the other body parts…and those parts are operating around a stable spine.

The Top 4 Ways Pitchers Become Disconnected2021-04-16T18:59:00-04:00

What Is a Growth Plate Injury?


Coaches at our baseball training camps know that, when you have a soft tissue injury (UCL, labrum, rotor cuff) that doesn’t result in catastrophic failure, it’s very important during the rehab process that you provide controlled stress to organize the healing tissue along the line of resistance.

What Is a Growth Plate Injury?2022-05-05T04:43:28-04:00

How NOT Long Tossing or Throwing Weighted Balls In Baseball Training Programs Could Hurt You


And here we go again. The long toss and weighted ball police are back at it. The study from 2011 "Max Distance Throwing Changes Mechanics and Puts More Stress On The Arm.” The longstanding argument against long toss is as follows: 1) It increases joint stress in the elbow and the shoulder, and 2) throwing mechanics change with increased distance of throws. Both are true…And that is exactly why I like long toss… as a training tool.

How NOT Long Tossing or Throwing Weighted Balls In Baseball Training Programs Could Hurt You2021-04-16T19:04:41-04:00

The Unknockoutable: Cody Martin’s Story


The preponderance of the evidence leaves me with only one possible conclusion. Cody Martin is unknockoutable! Way to go Cody! Keep getting back up kid! Keep fighting!

The Unknockoutable: Cody Martin’s Story2021-04-16T19:09:23-04:00


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